A beautiful day in Düsseldorf, not only from a climate point of view, with a rather unusual summer temperature, but also from the point of view of the Tube 2018. In this edition of the fair there is no one missing: the number of stands has undoubtedly grown, as the figures produced by Messe Düsseldorf say, but what is striking, for example in Hall 5, dedicated to curvature, is the increase in size. If rightly Crippa has chosen to celebrate the 70th anniversary with a larger and more renewed space, even YLM, SMI, Amob, Numalliance, Simec, Millemiglia, Lillbacka Finn Power presented themselves with wider spaces, while Dynobend, Siegmund , Tracto-Technik have focused on the image, choosing completely new stands.
In Hall 6, the one reserved for cutting, the companies that deal with lasers, in other editions absent or inserted in less visible contexts, make their appearance, reflecting the increasing importance that laser applications play in the cutting sector: even Trumpf , for example, has chosen to bring to the show exclusively 2D laser cutting machines, one of the TruLaser 5000 series, with solid state lasers, and a TruLaser 7040 with CO2 laser.
All exhibitors met with satisfaction for the results of the first three days of the fair, telling not only about postive contacts aimed at buying, but also of an atmosphere and an interest that really reminds the very positive period of the early 2000s.
Keep in touch, there is still a lot to discover on this Tube 2018.
(photo: Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann)